Flour 2 cups heaped Oil ¼ cup Salt 1 tsp Water to make dough Ingredients for paste to apply on katlama Eggs 2 Anar dana crushed 2 tsp Crushed red pepper 1 ½ tsp Chili powder ¼ tsp Crushed cumin roasted 1 tsp Coriander leaves 2 tbsp Coriander seeds roasted and crushed 1 tsp Salt 1 tsp Red color pinch.
Make dough with flour, salt, oil and knead with water into medium hard dough. Leave it covered for 30 minutes. Make a roll with prepared dough, make into 3 balls, put oil on surface, roll to a dinner plate size, make into round or oval paratha, and prick with fork, spread with prepared paste using brush. Deep fry in a tai, put the paratha size on base and filling side on top, splashing oil on top, fry till crisp. These parathas should be rolled thin.
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