1. Boneless chicken half kg
2. Onion 1 medium
3. Green chilies 3 to 4 chopped
4. Coriander leaves half cup
5. Papaya paste 2 tbsp
6. Ginger paste 1 tsp
7. Garlic paste 1 tsp
8. Cream 2 tbsp
9. Ghee or butter 3 tbsp
10. Salt 1 tsp
11. Red chili powder 1 tsp
12. Cumin seeds powder 1 tsp
13. Coriander seeds powder 1 tsp
14. Turmeric powder 1 tsp
Mix all the above ingredients in a bowl and chop in a chopper till becomes smooth mince.
Keep in a fridge for an hour.
Preheat oven at 200c.
Greased or lined baking tray.
Now make a kababs with chicken mince and grill till golden from both sides. Apply some butter on top for extra shine. If u don’t have oven then u can make these kabab in a pan.
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