A hairstyle doesn’t only compliment your looks but it says a great deal about your personality also. There are some people who like to experiment with their looks so they have no problem changing hairstyles very often but there are many other people who would much rather stick to the same hairstyle because an experiment could mean compromising their looks. There are very few women who have the guts to get their long hair cut short and there are even fewer who look just as great in short hairstyles as they do in long ones. Some of the beautiful and talented ladies in this list not only look fantastic in both long and short hair but few of them look even more stylish with their hair cut short because their cute faces look even more attractive when they stand out with their hair short. All of these women haven’t had short hair all through their career but even with short hair they look superb. Another aspect which is common among these ladies is that their hair texture is perfect which means that they did not get those hair cut because texture was the issue! Usually when women who have very pretty hair get their hair cut people hardly ever like it because beautiful hair looks pretty long but these beautiful women prove that it is most certainly not the case! This list contains the names of those actresses who have or had short hair in real life so hairpieces like the one Amina Haq wore for a shoot or Ayeza Khan wore for fun do not count!
Here is the list of 10 fabulous actresses who are rocking short hair!
TTAW-LASH from Apnatvzone
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