Sweet Potato
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Citric Acid – powdered (options: lime/lemon juice or dry mango powder (amchur))
Red Chili Powder
Chaat Masala
Garam Masala
Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C).
Wash, peel and cut Sweet Potatoes to desired size and shape. Avoid cutting very thin slices.
Drizzle just enough Olive Oil to coated the potatoes well.
Sprinkle a little Salt (careful: you will be using more later) and toss well.
Line a baking sheet with foil and arrange potatoes in a single layer.
Place baking sheet on the middle rack of the oven and bake for 15 minutes.
Toss the fries. Move baking sheet to the top rack of the oven and broil on high for minutes (or until fries golden brown).
Remove from oven and transfer into a bowl.
While the fries are still hot, add Citric Acid, Red Chili Powder, Garam Masala and Chaat Masala.
Toss to coat spices evenly.
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