The scandal of fake degrees by Axact is making headlines these days in our media. Geo News is leading the charge against Axact and most of the news aired daily by Geo are based on their “sources” who have access to FIA, where by FIA is yet to present a formal investigation report before the court against Axact. But still all the media channels including Geo News are airing unconfirmed reports based on unnamed “sources” from FIA.
Following the same criteria of airing unconfirmed report from unnamed sources, another channel ARY News has also aired such report claiming that Axact issued fake degrees from Ashwood University to famous media personality Aamir Liaqut Hussain and from Belford University to his wife Bushra Aamir. Aamir Liaqut Hussain is a senior figure of Geo Media Group including the channels of Geo News and Geo Entertainment.
ARY News also called Aamir Liaqut Hussain for the confirmation of this report and in response a hostile and furious Aamir Liaqut Hussain rejected the report. Adding further Aamir Liaqut explained that he already has a degree of M.A. Islamic History from Urdu University whereas Ms. Bushra Aamir holds a brilliant academic record alreday holding the degrees of BBA, BCom, MCom, LLB, MA Islamic History and she is currently enrolled with Karachi University for Ph.D Islamic Studies. Interestingly Aamir Liaqut haven’t stated his Doctorate degree here issued from the Ashwood University.
He castigated media for maligning him without getting his version on the issue. He slammed that “sources of media are revealing blatant false information which has no truth”. He burst out in anger, saying media first should verify before airing any content.
The furious Aamir Liaqut termed ARY Digital news as a defamation report declaring the “sources” as jhootay (false), bakwas (rubbish) , baybunyad (baseless) despite the fact that his own channel is airing such reports based on “sources” against Axact from past two weeks without showing any solid proof or documents. Aamir also termed the report as an act of paggri ucchalnaa (پگڑی اچھالنا)
Aamir Liaqut also demanded that such reports should be confirmed from the concerned person before airing which as per him is a “basic principle” of journalism. Any sensible person must agree to this suggestion of Aamir Liaqut of confirming a report before airing. But instead of advising others, why not start this healthy practice from the home channel which itself has a long, ugly and shameful history of paggri ucchalnaa (پگڑی اچھالنا). The most prominent example is the eight hours long transmission of Geo Tv aired last year (2014), targeting the ISI chief without any proof and evidence. Interestingly as an anchor, Aamir Liaqut was also the part of that transmission against the ISI Chief aired last year.
Lastly can anyone expect that being on a senior position, whether Aamir Liaqut ever advised his home channel to follow the “basic principle” of journalism? What you expect from others, why not follow it first.
Such twisted logics and double standards of our media houses can be summarized as
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