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A report by National Institute of Health describes, that Hair growth on women chin varies and its amount appears longer or thicker due to a variety of reasons. Commonly female has only layer of thin fine hair above female lips, chin, chest, back, and abdomen, but Hirsutism is a condition when a thick coarse hair appears on a female body chest, back, lips or chin area.
A normal woman contains a low level of male hormones (androgens), if female body having overactive androgens hormone, then they may have unwanted hair growth on the body.
Dr. Elizabeth Tanzi from Washington Institute of Dermatologic Laser Surgery demonstrates, that “When you are younger, chin hair can grow as a result of a hormonal imbalance. When you are older, it is due to a lack of estrogen”. According to the New York famous dermatologist Dr. Carlos Charles also cites genetics as a reason for chin hair. Mean “if your mother has chin hair, you most likely will, too”.
The exact reason is not identified in most cases, sometimes this is running in families. The most common cause of unwanted hair growth in female is due to polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and other hormonal conditions which may also cause Hirsutism, acne, irregular menstrual cycle, weight loss or excessive weight gain and diabetes. However unwanted hair growth is harmless, but it may affect someone’s self-esteem. But when these symptoms of Hirsutism appear suddenly, then it may be a sign of ovary or adrenal gland tumor which releases male hormones.
How to get rid of Unwanted Hairs
Temporary Hair Removal:
Shaving is an easy way to remove unwanted hair, but it can grow hair thicker.
Bleaching, creams, and other chemicals were also used, but it may harm skin and causes skin burn and bad odor.
Waxing, plucking, and threading are common methods use to remove hairs, it is somehow safe and less expensive, but it is very painful and may also cause damage to the skin like skin darkening, scarring and swelling.
Permanent Hair Removal:
Laser hair removal technique will target dark color (melanin) in the hairs, this method is widely used but it is effective only if hair is particularly dark and it does not work on light color hair.
Electrolysis hair removal technique is used to permanently damage the individual hair follicles by using electrical current so that these hairs never grow back. This is very expensive method and requires multiple treatments for hair removal. Any issue during treatment may cause swelling, scarring and skin redness.
Natural Home Remedies for Unwanted Chin Hairs
Here we share simple and easy Remedies for unwanted hair, must try these simple home hair removal methods for back hair removal, upper lip hair removal, and permanent facial hair removal.Chickpea Flour
Chickpea/Gram Flour 2 teaspoon gram
Turmeric 1 pinch
Cow milk 3 teaspoon
Sesame oil 2 to 3 drops
Take chickpea flour, add turmeric powder, add raw cow milk in it, mix it well and then add sesame oil in it. You may also use mustard oil if sesame oil is not available. Apply this mixture on unwanted hair area let it dry and remove by rubbing it. This remedy will completely remove chin hair naturally in 2 to 3 months.
Raw papaya 1 to 2 teaspoons
Turmeric powder ½ teaspoon
Take 2 tablespoons paste of peeled papaya, add turmeric powder, mix it well and massage this paste on the chin for at least 15 minutes and then wash it off with water. Do this remedy 1 to 2 times a week.
Turmeric 1 to 2 teaspoons
Gram flour/Rice flour/ Ground oats 1 to 2 teaspoons
Water/Milk as required
Make a thin paste of turmeric powder and milk or water, apply this on the face and leave this mask for 15 to 20 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water. Turmeric has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, also it is very good to stop hair growth.
Potato paste 1 bowl
Yellow lentils (Daal Moong) 1 bowl
Honey 1 tablespoon
Lemon juice 4 tablespoon
Soak yellow lentils overnight, in the morning grind these lentils and make a paste. Now take extract the juice of crushed and peeled potato by using a sieve, add lemon, honey, and potato juice into lentils and mix it well to make a fine paste. Apply this paste on the chin or unwanted hair area; leave it for about 15 to 20 minutes to dries the paste. Remove the paste rubbing with fingers or peeling it off. This is a very beneficial remedy for facial hair removal for women.
Ripe Banana 1
Oatmeal 1 to 2 tablespoon
Mash 1 banana in a small bowl, add oatmeal in it, apply this paste on chin or unwanted hair area and rub in a circular motion, do this for 10 to 15 minutes and then wash it off with water. Do this remedy for better results twice a week.
Alum & Rosewater
Alum powder ½ teaspoon
Rosewater 2 to 3 tablespoons
Olive/sesame oil few drops
Cotton ball
Add rose water in alum powder, mix it well until the powder gets completely dissolved in rose water. Apply this rose water with a cotton ball on body parts with unwanted hair and let it dry naturally, when it dries off apply again. Repeat this for at least 50 to 60 minutes but do not use more than 15 minutes on sensitive skin. This is best home remedy for natural hair removal.
Spearmint tea
Fresh spearmint leaves 5 to 6/ dried spearmint 1 teaspoon
Boiling Water 1 cup
Add fresh or dried spearmint leaves in 1 cup of boiling water, cover this cup for 5 minutes and then strain this water and drink. Take this drink once or twice daily, this will bring downs androgens to optimum levels. This is a very effective remedy for removal of unwanted hairs naturally.
Blackstrap Molasses
Women with PCOS, unwanted hair on face, chin, chest, abdomen, and back may have blackstrap molasses. In females deficiency of few mineral which leads to various hair related problems, like hair loss on the scalp and unwanted hairs on different body parts. Blackstrap molasses is rich with minerals and iron; it will overcome this deficiency of mineral to balance hormones and stops the growth of unwanted chin hair or on unwanted places.
Take 2 teaspoons of blackstrap molasses daily, to get rid of unwanted chin hair naturally. It will also balance hormones.
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