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Facial Scrub for Tanned Skin in Summer
Mint/coriander leaves
Multani miti/ black clay
Lactic acid/full cream milk
Olive oil
Hydroquinone cream 4 %
Extract all those things finely and add hydroquinone cream 4% in all these mixed ingredients and massage on your face, hands and feet daily. After 1 month, you will see that your skin get fair till Eid and you get rid of the tanned skin.
Along with this, you will take Cod liver oil 1 teaspoon daily in Sahar.

Healthy Diet Plan For Ramadan by Dr. Khurram
For Sahar
Use cornflakes of Cassava starch for sahar twice a week
In other remaining 4 to 5 days use barley (jau) cornflakes in sahar with milk.
Take 1 cup milk daily in sahar
Take Tae or coffee with skimmed milk and brown sugar/ sweetener.
If using paratha use twice or thrice a week not every day then prepare only in olive oil.
Take Fruits enriched with fiber like banana in sahar it will make digestive system active.
Just 1 teaspoon of Special marmalade to store energy for the whole day. Take Mango or banana, make a slice of them, then cook in brown sugar and water along with pistachio, almond, screw pine (kewda), Curran (kismish) and salt if you don’t have high blood pressure issue. 1 teaspoon of this marmalade in sehri will keep you energetic whole day.
For Aftar
Don’t use too many fried foods in Aftar.
Use salads of potato, tomato, sweet corn, mushrooms, mango, olive oil extra virgin or fennel seeds.
Use lots of Vegetables, fish, legumes and beans in Ramadan.
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