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Recipe Ingredients
1.5 liter Water
300gms Sugar
250 ml. Milk
20 pc of Almonds [Badam]
seeds of Kharbooza [watermelon] 1 tspn
Tarbooj [cantaloupes] 1 tspn
1/2 Table Spoon of sonf [aniseed]
1/2 spoon iliayachi powder [cardamom]
1/2 spoon Khuskhus [ poppy seeds]
10 kara Mirch [ black peeper]
50gm Gulkand or 20 dried/fresh rose petals
Recipe Method
Soak the sugar in about 0.5 liters of water.
Clean all the ingredients & soak them in 400 ml. of water.
Keep the mixture for 2-3 hours.
Grind the soaked ingredients for getting a paste.
Add the remaining water and put under strong stir.
Filter the liquid, add sugar solution, milk and rose water.
Mix well.
Get chilled before serving, can add ice for the purpose