Reham Khan who got married to the iconic sportsman and a trendsetter politician Imran Khan yesterday gave her first interview via telephone to Dawn News. While talking about what attracted her to Imran Khan she said something which many people would not have expected her to say.
“What I really liked about Imran when he proposed to me was the love he has for his sons….What impresses me the most about people, what I regard as a success is a good parent,” said Reham Khan
Reham Khan also said that being a parent herself she knew that being a responsible parent was a tough job.
“I was looking for a man who would be a good role model for my children….
Pakistani men should emulate Imran’s example,” Reham Khan said in her interview. Reham Khan also said that generally Pakistani men love their daughters a lot but do not give the same amount of love to their sons.
Reham Khan also said that she was not expecting to meet the right person at this time but instead she found one who was most right! Reham Khan says that she is not interested in taking a direct part in the politics of the country.
“The type of politics in the current environment do not appeal to me…That’s not my calling in life……I am interested in politics as a journalist, observer and historian,” she said.
Reham Khan started her interview by thanking all those people of Pakistan who rejoiced this moment with her and Imran Khan and the second most important things she stressed on was that money and fame did not mean much to her. Reham Khan said that her impression of Imran Khan was totally different before she met him. She said that Imran Khan is a very simple and loving person.
Watch the video of the interview here:
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