2 Cup. milk, fresh
1/2 Cup butter
1/2 Cup. sugar, white
1 Cup. almonds, whole
2 eggs, beaten
1 tsp. vanilla, extract
1 orange (for juice)
3 tbsp. cornstarch
1) Combine the cornstarch with some portion of the milk and stir. Add in the eggs to this mixture and blend until smooth. Add the remaining milk gradually when stirring, and then add the sugar, mix and place in the microwave to cook for ten minutes.
2) Once it is removed, add in the vanilla extract, juice squeezed from the orange, and almonds then stir well before bringing in butter. This mixture is again cooked in the microwave for another ten minutes. Remove the pudding and use a mixer to stir until it thickens enough. This is then served in bowls for a nice homemade pudding.
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