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1. Full Cream (non pasteurized)
2. Milk 1 L.
3. Condensed Milk 1 can
4. Sugar 1.5 cups
5.Roasted Pistachio Nuts 20 grams (you can also add your own dry fruits, for example: walnuts, or none at all)
6.Nutmeg powder 1/2 a teaspoon

2- When the Milk is boiling, slowly add in some condensed milk.
3- Know that as the milk thickens some more add the sugar.
4- Once all the sugar has dissolved the milk becomes watery again. Therefore boil some more.
5- Add the roasted pistachio and the nutmeg powder.
6- Once it is thick, the consistency should be a little less thick than the condensed milk you have added, take it off the heat.
7- Pour into the ice mold and refrigerate.
8- Wait until after half-an-hour, open up the ice-cream mold and stir all the contents up once more, so that no icicles form.
9- Freeze again.
10- Serve: remove from the ice cream mold and serve.